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This is the Archive listing for Diary of a Space Geisha. DSG is a little back story of Geli's past. It'll cover her life as a geisha, a consorta, and then as a Shikkari. As for say it's tame but then again I'm liberal as they come. If nudity bothers you, don't read it.

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Scented//New Car Smell..One Hour Axis and Anime Highschool are © R.Hartman 1994-2003, J.Rotzi, N.Brown, any other characters showing up in cameos are (c) their owners. Please don't take my images! I'll sick Geli on ya...not wise."What kind of fool am I?" This website is created by Kectug. The images on this page were made by Mutant X-ing Productions. Geli is (c) KECTUG